2022 - Hurricane and Tropical Storm - Landfall Predictions
13 Prediction Zones
United States - Lesser Antilles
Only Prediction Organization - That Tells You - Where the Storms Will Hit
Outlook and Tracking Webinars
and Zone Predictions
Next Outlook Webinar
Monday 14 November 4 pm
Free rest of season - Purchase Webinars here
Interim Tracking Emails/Webinars to Clients
Contact GWO here
(see more Webinar Info Below)
Actual 2022 Landfall Predictions
Hurricane Ian - Hurricane Nicole
8 Months in Advance (February)
Florida Zone 8 - Marco Island to Just north of Cedar Key Florida
Due to the continuance of the warm ocean water phase, the Gulf and Caribbean will once again be warmer
than normal and conducive for strong hurricane development. The season is also occurring in association
with a ClimatePulse Enhancement Cycle that will provide favorable atmospheric conditions for hurricane
activity in this zone.
This zone has a very high risk and GWO expects a hurricane landfall in 2022, and a high risk that it will be
a Major Category 3 or 4 hurricane. The most likely scenario for zone 8, is for a Category 3 or 4 Hurricane
to move northeast making landfall in the region from Naples to Tampa.
Prediction was based on GWOs ClimatePulse Technology that predicts natural cycle.
The ClimatePulse Cycle was correlated with historical landfalls - so this is not climate change -
it is a natural cycle.
Actual Prediction by GWO Released in February
Prediction for Zone 6 - Miami to Cape Canaveral
Since the mid-1800s, this zone (Miami to Cape Canaveral) typically saw cycles of 13- years without
a hurricane striking this region.
The longest cycle was 16-years. A similar 16-year hurricane drought that occurred 100 years ago.
None of the quiet cycles have gone beyond 16-years.
Thus - a hurricane is expected to landfall in this zone during the 2022 hurricane season.
2022 Prediction - Atlantic Basin
United States will have 3 Hurricane Landfalls
2 Major Hurricane Landfalls Expected
2022 Season GWO Prediction to Date Season Average
Named Storms 16 14 12-13 Average Season
Hurricanes 8 8 6 Average Season
Major Hurricanes 4 2 2 Average season
U.S. Landfalls 3 3
Since 2009
Near 90% Accurate - Months in Advance
80% of GWO's customers - are return customers
There Will Be: 2-3 Hurricane Landfalls in 2022
4 Hot Spots
Special Sale - Get Ready for Dangerous Sept. - Nov.
13 Landfall Prediction Zones: purchase here
Outlook & Tracking Webinars: purchase here
First Webinar is a Free Trial
Spaghetti - Computer Models out 10 to 15 Days
Hurricane Model Plots
European EURO 10-Day Model
National Hurricane Center
Invest 95
Press Release 8 April: 2022 Hurricane Prediction - 5 Hot Spots
Sea Level Rise and Climate
Press Release Feb: 2022 Hurricane Landfall Predictions
GWO Predicted the Last 17 U.S. Landfalls locations
6 months in advance
Where will the next Landfalls Occur ?
- Find Out with GWO's Zone Predictions and Webinars -
Outlook and Hurricane Tracking Webinars
On Sale in June
20% off (40-50 In Season Webinars)
GWO Begins Tracking Hurricanes - 14 days prior to landfall
(GWO already knows where landfalls will occur)
Purchase here
Outlook and Tracking Webinars
45-55 Webinars During the Season
1. Incorporates GWO's ClimatePulse Technology
2. Incorporates GWO's 13 prediction zones
3. Tracked the last 15 United States hurricane landfalls
8-14 days prior to making landfall
4. Outlook Webinars Look 2 weeks into the future
5. Tracking Webinars daily if landfall expected
6. Provides Additional time to prepare due to
more precise tracking
7. Ask questions during the webinars
8. Daily tracking webinars if storm is expected to landfall
9. Prediction Zones - 87% hot spot accuracy since 2009
10. Webinars are for clients - purchase here
11. Our Clients: home owners, disaster preparedness companies,
business owners, tourist industry, insurance companies,
big box companies
12. Webinars Conducted by GWO Meteorologists
(see Webinar section below for more info - or purchase here)
Press Release 8 April: 2022 Hurricane Prediction - 5 Hot Spots
Sea Level Rise and Climate
Press Release Feb: 2022 Hurricane Landfall Predictions
GWO Predicted the Last 17 U.S. Landfalls locations
6 months in advance
Where will the next Landfalls Occur ?
- Find Out with GWO's Zone Predictions and Webinars -
Outlook and Hurricane Tracking Webinars
On Sale in June
20% off (40-50 In Season Webinars)
GWO Begins Tracking Hurricanes - 14 days prior to landfall
(GWO already knows where landfalls will occur)
Purchase here
Outlook and Tracking Webinars
45-55 Webinars During the Season
1. Incorporates GWO's ClimatePulse Technology
2. Incorporates GWO's 13 prediction zones
3. Tracked the last 15 United States hurricane landfalls
8-14 days prior to making landfall
4. Outlook Webinars Look 2 weeks into the future
5. Tracking Webinars daily if landfall expected
6. Provides Additional time to prepare due to
more precise tracking
7. Ask questions during the webinars
8. Daily tracking webinars if storm is expected to landfall
9. Prediction Zones - 87% hot spot accuracy since 2009
10. Webinars are for clients - purchase here
11. Our Clients: home owners, disaster preparedness companies,
business owners, tourist industry, insurance companies,
big box companies
12. Webinars Conducted by GWO Meteorologists
(see Webinar section below for more info - or purchase here)
1. 13 Landfall Prediction Zones - Pick Your Zone
a. Pick Your Local Zone - purchase here
(webinars purchased separately)
b. Enhance the Prediction with Webinars - purchase here
45 to 55 Outlook and Tracking Webinars
c. Accurate Zone Predictions for Your Location
more info here
2. Enhanced Package for Business and Corporations
Includes: purchase here
a. All 13 zones
b. 45 to 56 interactive tracking and outlook webinars
c. Hot Spot graphic - and more
d. Follow-up calls for questions and more info
3. Enhanced Interactive Webinars Purchase here
Hurricane Outlook and Tracking Webinars
Enhance by ClimatePulse Technology
a. 45 to 55 webinars (June into October)
b. Weekly 14-Day Outlook Webinars
c. Daily Hurricane Tracking Webinars - (when a storm
is expected to influence our zones
d. Typically track hurricanes 8 to 14 Days
Prior to Landfall
Predicted Months in Advance
all 15 United States Hurricane Landfall Locations
Since 2016
6-Months in Advance
2020 Hot-Spot Predictions
and where the hurricanes landfalled
93% Accurate in 2020 - Months in Advance
paragraphs & more.
National Hurricane Center
paragraphs & more.
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