Actual Predictions
Basic Zone Prediction
Example #1 Issued: December 2009 for 2010
Example #2 Issued: December 2010 for 2011
Basic Prediction - Hurricane Predictions-
The "Basic" Zone Predictions are a 1 page Prediction - does not include a prediction discussion.
The "Standard and Premium "
Includes: Alerts during the season, climatology, detailed prediction discussion -
and much more
Example # 1 (Basic Zone Prediction)
Definitions: Prediction Categories ( expressed in percent and Liklihood )
Global Weather Oscillations (GWO) assigns a risk category and probability expressed in percent for the likelihood
that a predicted event will occur, or not occur. Risk percent ranges define three categories of risk:
Low, Moderate and High.
Hurricanes - Tropical Storms:
Category Probability Event Liklihood
High Risk 60% to 80% Expected to occur
Moderate Risk 40% to 55% possible – but not likely
Low risk 5% to 35% not expected
Major Hurricane:
*If a hurricane actually occurs – the risk it will be a major hurricane
Category Probability
High Risk 50% to 70% - if a hurricane occurs -
Moderate Risk 25% to 45% - if a hurricane occurs -
Low Risk less than 25% - if a hurricane occurs -
Zone 1 – Prediction (Basic Prediction Package)
Metro NYC, Long Island and the Southern New England Coastline
2010 - Prediction (issued in December prior to the 2010 season)
Predicted Risk Event Liklihood
Hurricane conditions 15 % Low Risk Not Expected to Occur
Major Hurricane - if a hurricane occurs 15 % Low Risk Not Expected to Occur
Tropical Storm conditions 15 % Low Risk Not Expected to Occur
Summary Discussion of Forecast: Not available with the "Basic Zone Predictions
Is available with the "Standard - Premium - Premium Plus Package".
Example # 2
Zone 1 – Prediction (Basic Prediction Package)
Metro NYC, Long Island and the Southern New England Coastline
2011- Prediction (issued in December prior to the 2011 season)
Predicted Risk Event Liklihood
Hurricane conditions 60 % High Risk Expected to Occur (Hurricane Irene occured)
Major Hurricane - if a hurricane occurs 40 % Moderate Risk Possible - but not likely
Tropical Storm conditions 65 % High Risk Expected to Occur
Summary Discussion of Forecast: Not available with the "Basic Zone Predictions
Is available with the "Standard - Premium - Premium Plus Package".
*Note.. Hurricane Irene was a major CAT 3 hurricane and did pass right over eastern North Carolina in 2011.