Global Weather Oscillations, Inc. (GWO), is a working partner with the International Hurricane Protection Association (INHPA). GWO was formed with the specific understanding that almost all climate and weather events occur in cycles, and it is a natural Primary Forcing Mechanism (PFM) that controls the Earth's Climate Pulse and climate-weather oscillations. GWO is the "only" company utilizing ClimatePulse Technology - CPT (patent pending).
GWO has produced the most accurate predictions of any organization during the past 10-years for; hurricane cycles and cyclical landfall locations, climate prediction, El Niño predictions and winter outlooks.
Professor David Dilley, CEO and senior meteorologist/climatologist/paleoclimatologist for GWO, has researched and developed Prediction Models by utilizing certain cycles of the "Primary Forcing Mechanism" (PFM) that controls the Earth's Natural Climate Pulse. The PFM is a powerful climate forcing mechanism that induces long-term and short-term displacement of regional high pressure systems. It is these weather systems that control the general climate and weather patterns, and triggers, interactions in the oceans, and the Earth's hot liquid outer core.
GWO provides accurate long range climate planning forecasts based on the Earth's Natural Climate Pulse and the ClimatePulse cycles induced by the PFM. GWO utilizes these cycles by incorporating historical events for tracking analog weather/climate events. Research by meteorologists belonging to the American Meteorological Society (AMS), and Professor Dilley of GWO, have shown the PFM to be a powerful forcing mechanism that determines the meandering positions of the Atlantic and Pacific High Pressure centers from one year to the next, and in turn, regional weather/climate cycles. The Primary Forcing Mechanism (PFM), discovered and researched by GWO, is the triggering mechanism that controls recurring cycles of the El Niño, regional hurricane landfalls and other weather/climate cycles.
GWO has implemented the Natural ClimatePulse Technology (patent pending) into forecast models for regional hurricane Landfall forecasts, regional earthquake predictions, global warming-cooling forecasts, El Niño forecasts, and regional flood-drought forecasts. These models can provide accurate extended weather/climate cycle outlooks many years into the future, and into the past. (see the Hurricane Services page and Prior GWO Forecasts and Tracks page for past performance of GWO's 2006 through 2015 hurricane and tropical storm forecasts).
GWO’s PFM climate model uses analog years which are proven to be accurate in determining tropical cyclone landfall cycles. In 2010, the PFM model predicted a major impact storm in 2011 for Zone 1 (Long Island, NY and the southern New England coasts), a full 16 months in advance of the hurricane season. The storm was called "Hurricane Irene". In 2011, GWO predicted a major hurricane or hybrid hurricane to once again impact the northeast states in 2012. This storm came to be known as the hybrid "Super Hurricane Sandy". In 2017 GWO predicted the major impact hurricanes Harvey and Irma, and in 2018 major impact hurricanes Florence and Michael.
As the PFM cycles induce cyclical changes in the earth's oceans and atmosphere, it in return triggers the El Niño, controls positions of semi-permanent High Pressure Centers such as the Pacific High off the West Coast of the United States and the Bermuda-Azores High located over the North Atlantic Ocean. The position and strength of the High Pressure Centers in turn control weather patterns and cyclical droughts across North America, and the Bermuda-Azores High controls weather across Europe and hurricane tracks in the Atlantic Basin. The Natural Climate Pulse also controls cycles of Global Warming and Cooling. GWO also utilizes the Climate Pulse Model for long-range predictions for upcoming winter patterns, the El Nino and La Nina, hurricane landfall predictions for 11 United States zones, and regional earthquake activity.
The GWO-CPT prediction models can forecast long-term and short-term cycles of weather/climate 1 to 10 years in advance, and climate change cycles well beyond 100 years. GWO's staff have issued the most accurate Pre-Season Hurricane Predictions of any organization the past 9 Years. The predictions are available through GWO and this web site.