Tampa - Ocala Florida
Past Performance
Prediction by GWO's ClimatePulse Technology
Electromagnetic Earthquake Tectonic Pulse Cycle #14
(prediction prepared in 2012)
On January 1, 2019
California enter a ClimatePulse Cycle that will cause increased earthquake
activity - as induced by a very specific Earth-Moon-Sun gravitational cycle
During 2019
Southern California - Will Have
80% risk for a strong to major (6.0 to 7.2)
80% risk it will be - Major to severe 6.5 to 8.0 magnitude
40% risk it will be - severe 7.5 or greater magnitude
Remainder of California - find out with our exlucsive prediction
"Natural Climate Pulse"
230-Year and 72-Year Warming/Cooling Cycles
Based on climate Research by GWO
Peer Reviewed Research by Other Researchers
ClimatePulse Technology
Prediction of Climate/Weather Cycles
(cycles since 800 AD)
Leaving Global Warming Cycle #6
During 2022 to 2024
Entering Global Cooling Cycle #6
Video and Article is a Non-Political Walks through Climate Change
Full Story and Video click here YouTube link: click here
To gain full understanding - the entire video should be watched -
it builds as it progresses and has a dramatic ending - dangerous
climate change coming after 2019
Entering a Very Cold 50 to 100 YEar Global Cooling - Are We Prepared?
Points made in the - TV Video Time period in the video
1. The 18+ years temperature pause is real. 4.09
2. Natural cycles are behind the current pause.
3. Ice cores show CO2 lags temperature. 5.00
4. 7000 years ago there was 50% less Arctic ice. 8.20
5. The 1000-year cycle is real. (9.20)
6. Planet has been cooling over past 10,000 years. 9.34
7. Natural cycles are driving our climate. 10.04
8. Shows cooling from 2023 to 2150.
9. Current warming is perfectly natural.
10. Milankovitch cycles driving large-scale cycles. 13.00
11. Gravitational forces can bulge Earth’s core by 1.4 km 15.35
12. Gravitational forces impact global temperature 17.20
13. Warming and cooling both begin at the poles (17.48)
14. Arctic warming/melt was caused by warm ocean pulses 19.50
15. “Now starting to see a dramatic cooling in the Arctic“. 22.50
16. “Arctic is cooling rapidly now. Rapidly!” 24.06
17. Both poles are cooling rapidly now. 25.05
18. Poles don’t show signs of warming. 26.30
19. Western drought and Eastern cold due to 26-year cycle. 27.55
20. Polar vertices due to Arctic/global cooling. (29.25)
21. Lunar cycles correlated with warming/cooling cycles. 31.30
22. Rapid global cooling by 2019. 32.00
23. “Temperature fiddling” are “more political than anything”. 32.56
24. “Could be the biggest scientific scandal ever”. 33.20
25. IPCC using “estimated temperatures”. 34.00
26. How the government manipulated, rewrote data. 36.00
27. “This is temperature fiddling.” Not the truth. 36.45
28. NASA, NOAA’s “politically driven press releases”. 37.00
29. Met Office calls NOAA’s 2014 claim untrue. 38.00
30. Major data fiddling, cheating by NOAA. 39.50
31. “The 97% consensus is bogus”. 41.00
32. John Cook cooked the consensus data. 41.30
33. 85% meteorologists say climate change is natural. 42.20
34. Global cooling is the real danger. 43.20
35. Volcanoes and cooling often correlated. 44.00
36. Crop failures from cooling “very likely”. 45.45
37. “Extremely cold” from 2025 to 2050. 46.36
38. Global cooling next 125 years. 47.00
39. “The cooling is coming”.
TV Interview August 2015 - David Dilley CEO of Global Weather Oscillations Inc.
Is Climate Change Dangerous? (August 2015)
David Dilley, former NOAA Meteorologist and current CEO and senior research scientist - Global Weather Oscillations
Inc. - gives a presentation on Mind Your Own Business TV with Debi Davis. Mr. Dilley provides the viewer a full picture
and understanding of climate change cycles and carbon dioxide cycles. Mr. Dilley combines his own research with
peer reviewed research from other scientists and applies it to what is happening today, and to the likely dangerous
climate change that will occur between the years 2019 to 2050.
The natural climate pulse of earth is governed by the PFM Primary Forcing cycles. These cycles range from daily (ocean tides) and more importantly every 6 months, 4 years, 9 years, 18 years, 72 years, 230 years, 1200 years and 130 thousand years. Earth is currently coming off a 230 year global warming cycle and dipping into a 120 year global cooling cycle. They come approximately every 230 years and we have have had 5 during the past 1000 years. The last one ended in the year 1800 and was followed by dramatic cooling and a year of no summer in 1816.
During early stages of each global cooling cycle, historically strong volcanic activity usually occurs, resulting in unusually cold summer weather, worldwide crop failures, famine and disease. This scenario is not merely a coincidence, it happened in global cooling cycles with the volcano Eldgja in 934 AD, Ringitoto in 1350, Huaynaputina in 1600, Tambora in 1815, and will likely occur again during the upcoming dramatic global cooling cycle that will begin soon.
Overview - Natural Climate Pulse and the Scientifically Proven "Milankovitch Cycles"
Ever since planet Earth was created about 4.5 billion years ago, it has been exposed to natural processes and forcing mechanisms within the solar system and earth. During the course of millions of years, the interaction of these processes has implemented a natural climate and planetary rhythm. These rhythms include but are not limited to: day and night, the four annual seasons and weather events during the particular season, short-term climate fluctuations and oscillations within the seasons, and long-term climate change cycles such as glacial periods which occur approximately every 120 thousand years.
The gravitational cycles of the moon and sun cause the seasonal tilts of the earth's axis and the 4 seasons. The strong gravitational pull of the moon causes a bulge to form in the center of the 5 oceans. As the earth makes a complete rotation on its axis daily, the moon rises and falls in the sky. This causes dramatic changes to the gravitational pull, with increases and decreases occurring during the daily cycle. This causes a gravitational pulse which in turn causes an interactive plunging action on the ocean's bulge, thus producing the twice daily ocean tides. The gravitational tides are also noticed in the earth's atmosphere, and in lower depths of the ocean.
The daily rotation of the earth provides the twice daily tides, and the 27.5 day elliptical path of the moon around the earth provides a monthly and bi-monthly gravitational pulse. The cycles then extend out in time as the elliptical path of the earth around the sun, and the moon around the earth cyclical change from one month to the next, every 6 months, 4 years, 9 years, 18 years and beyond. The earths 130 thousand year elliptical path is well documented in science and is proven to be the cause for the earth's inter-glacial (warm) as the earth swings in closer to the sun, and glacial periods (cold) that occur every 130 thousand years as the earth swings further away from the sun. The current warm inter-glacial period peaked about 7 thousand years ago, and the peak of the next glacial period will be 70 to 110 thousand years from now.
The Primary Forcing Mechanism (PFM) for climate change is the combination of the elliptical paths of the moon and earth, changes in solar radiation and changes in the gravitational pulses and electromagnetic pulses. The scientific term is the "Milankovitch Cycles", accepted science within the climate community and it is proven science, unlike anthropogenic causes that have not been proven.
Subsets of the Milankovitch Cycles control the Earth's "Natural Climate Pulse", and it is this Natural Pulse that controls weather and climate cycles here on earth. This is proven science.
The earth's climate is very complex and very cyclical due to the PFM Natural Climate Pulse interacting with the oceans, atmosphere and inner/outer cores of earth. The high and low tides of the oceans alternate approximately every 6 hours, and ocean tides and some currents change with the PFM cycles. Above the surface of the Earth is the atmosphere which is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and other gases which move fluidly around the planet. The flow of these atmospheric gases are caused by the rotation of the earth, heating of the atmosphere and ground by the sun, proximity of mountain ranges and water bodies such as oceans, and forcing mechanisms such as gravitational tides caused by the PFM cycles
Earth's temperature changes seasonally due to the seasonal tilt of the earth, with longer term cycles due to the PFM Natural Pulse cycles every 10-years, 230 years and 130 thousand years. Carbon dioxide concentrations are a naturally occurring cycle connected to the short-term global warming cycles that occur approximately every 230 years, and the longer term 130 thousand year glacial and inter-glacial cycles. The eBook written by Mr. Dilley of GWO (avalable on the Natural Pulse Page) illustrates that earth's current temperatures and carbon dioxide levels are perfectly normal for global warming cycle that was occurring up to the year 2012 (now beginning to slip into global cooling for the next 150 years).
GWO’s nineteen (19) years of ongoing research uses a combination of Meteorology, Oceanography, Climatology, Geology and Astronomy along with extensive historical weather and climate data to develop techniques for climate prediction. The most significant discovery was that of the Primary Forcing Mechanism (PFM) which is highly correlated to short-term climate cycles. The combination resulted in the development of prediction models formulated from a subset of the scientifically proven "Milankovitch" cycles of the earth, moon and sun.
Learn More About Earth's Natural Climate Pulse and Climate Cycles
Listen below to the 1 hour radio interview
with CEO David Dilley on WLOB with Debi Davis