Tampa - Ocala Florida
Past Performance
Prediction by GWO's ClimatePulse Technology
Electromagnetic Earthquake Tectonic Pulse Cycle #14
(prediction prepared in 2012)
On January 1, 2019
California enter a ClimatePulse Cycle that will cause increased earthquake
activity - as induced by a very specific Earth-Moon-Sun gravitational cycle
During 2019
Southern California - Will Have
80% risk for a strong to major (6.0 to 7.2)
80% risk it will be - Major to severe 6.5 to 8.0 magnitude
40% risk it will be - severe 7.5 or greater magnitude
Remainder of California - find out with our exlucsive prediction
GWO's Climate Pulse Technology - *CPT
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1. Accurate Hurricane Landfall Predictions 1 to 2 years into the future for 11 United States
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2. Hurricane Tracking Webinars for Advanced Option Purchase
3. El Niño Predictions 2 years into the future
4. Earthquake predictions for California
4. Climate Change predictions - now in a Global Cooling cycle
5. e Book - Earth's Natural Climate Pulse
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