Now Transitioning To Global Cooling
Earth's "ClimatePulse"
El Nino - La Nina - Natural Global Cooling
Newly Released Findings
- see Videos in Video Section -
Major Changes Coming !
Powerful New Video by Professor Dilley
Released February 2023
Explains Climate Cycles and Carbon Dioxide Mis-Information
View here
Press Release - 2025 United States and Canada
Winter Outlook - see here
Now Transitioning (2024-2025)
Leaving - Global Warming Cycle #6
Entering - Global Cooling Cycle #6
(cycles past 1,200 years)
Global Warming and Cooling Cycles
Begin at the Poles - End at the Poles
1. 2023 Coldest High Arctic spring and summer on records - also in 2022
2. 2024 Greatest January Arctic Ice Extent in 21 years.
3. 2022 Greenland summer of 2022
Gained the Most Ice and Snow - In History
Full Report - here
4. 2022 Arctic summer and spring - Coldest on Record
5. 2022 Antarctic winter - Coldest on Record
6. 2022 Southern Hemisphere Full Report - here
Strongest on Record - Atmosphere's Stratospheric Cooling
7. 2021 3rd Coldest January and February on Record
Alaska into Central and Northern Canada to Greenland
8. 2024 Strong La Nina - New " Pacific Ocean - Cold Phase Cycle"
Dangerous Global Cooling from 2023 through 2085
9. 2022 Global Temperatures - Currently Near Normal
at Ending Stage of a Global Warming Cycle
Explained in Professor Dilley's Video - here
10. 2022 Global Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide - Full Report here
Close to Normal for Current 120,000 Year Cycle
Rise since 1850 is 80% Natural Carbon Dioxide
Rise in Carbon Dioxide has not Changed the Climate
1. Entering Global Cooling Cycle #6 (transition 2023-24)
Current Temperatures and Carbon Dioxide
Near Normal for this Stage of A Warming Cycle
Leaving - Global Warming Cycle #6
Entering - Global Cooling Cycle #6
2. Rise in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Since 1850
"Near 80% Natural - only Near 20% Fossil"
Not Enough to Cause Human Induced Global Warming
Based On: Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
and Professor Dilley's Research
3. No Additional Sea Level Rise After 2024
- see Videos in Video Section -
More Info on the Climate Page click here
2023 Winter Predictions
November 2023 into March 2024
What to Expect
Transition to Global Cooling
Temperatures - Snow - Precipitation
United States - Alaska - Canada - Europe
Very Stormy Winter Expected
Is Global Cooling Here ?
Leaving - Global Warming Cycle #6
Entering - Global Cooling Cycle #6
Major Changes Coming !
Global Cooling is Coming - Big Time !
Based On GWO's - ClimatePulse Technology
Electromagnetic Interactions of the Earth-Moon-Sun
and the Solar Maunder Minimum
Coldest Air in Over 30-Years Now Building Across
Central Canada and Siberia During July and August 2021
Winter Predictions
More Frequent Polar Vortex outbreaks
United States - Alaska - Canada - Greenland
Europe in 2024
Just as Predicted by GWO
Global Cooling Cycle Arrived on Schedule
Alaska to Greenland
Spreading Southward 2021 through 2024
High Latitude Regions Now Turning much Colder in 2020
Greenland - Canada Alaska to Russia
Bering Sea Alaska - Russia now normal ice extent
A Strong 2023-24 La Nina and a new "Cold Pacific Ocean Phase" will usher in Dangerous Global Cooling from 2024 through 2065
What Determines Winter Predictions by GWO
GWO has the best Predictions 10-Years Running
As discussed in Mr. Dilley's eBook (Earth's Natural Climate Pulse) that can be read free of charge in the Climate Section, the period from about 1997 through 2012 was the second twin peak of warm global temperatures (1930s was the first). Twin warm temperature peaks are a signature of all global warming cycles (5 in the past 1,000 years). The cold winters in some regions of the world and the cooling now taking place in both the Arctic and Antarctic signals the ending of the current global warming cycle. Every global warming cycle comes like clockwork about every 230 years, and also ends like clockwork.
The last global warming cycle ended in 1790 and the year 2020 is exactly 230 years later. Rapid cooling of the high Arctic in late 2019 denotes the ending of the global warming cycle. Next cycle will be here for about 120 years - coldest years will be form 2020 into 2070. Look for winters more brutal than the 1950s and 1960s.
1. El Nino or La Nina - will there be one or not ?
Cyclical 2 to 5 year occurrences of an El Niño or La Niña typically changes weather
patterns (refer to the El Niño page for more information click here.
Some regions will be wetter than normal, some drier. Some regions
will be warmer than normal, some colder than normal.
The Arctic Region tends to be warmer than normal during an El Niño and/or
Natural Global Warming Cycles - these events cause weather patterns that force
warmer air into the Arctic and across northern latitudes - thus
Arctic ice melting occurs.
Arctic tends to be much colder during La Niña and
Neutral Conditions, and during Global Cooling Cycles (see below)
Record Growth of Arctic Sea Ice just Occurred during September 2016
2. Stalled Weather Patterns - Changes in the Cycles 2017 and Beyond
Cycles: GWO has found that many weather patterns exhibit recurring cycles with some
major cycles occurring approximately every 3 to 5 years, 18 years, 23 years, 72 years
and 220 years.
The California drought - warm weather Globally- wet conditions are all part of
these cycles.
Changing Cycles: GWO is predicting major changes in the upcoming years as past cycles re-enter
the weather patterns - thus changing Global Winters Drastically.
3. Onset of Global Cooling - Harsh Winters Coming Back?
Yes - Drastic Cooling 2019-2020 and for the Next 50 to 100 Years
Find out in GWO's Predictions
Record Growth of Arctic Sea Ice will begin during the 2019-20 Winter - and continue for 100-years.
The global climate pattern is now transitioning from a global warming cycle
to a very cold global cooling long-term cycle. Both the Arctic, Greenland and Antarctic began entering the next global cooling cycle 3 years ago - and now cooling dramatically.
Although due to the El Niño, sea ice in the western Arctic near Alaska and Euro-Straights
region near Iceland has diminished during late 2015 into 2016, and during the weak 2018 El Nino - it did expand just prior to both events. With no El Nino for 2019-20 and 2020-21 winters the ice will expand dramatically - and continue for the next 100-years.
The sea ice extent is at the greatest values in Antarctic since the 1970s, and was likewise
at its greatest extent in the Arctic prior to the 2015-16 El Nino. The Artic is already
cooling rapidly following the ending of the El Nino and will once again see great ice
restoration - and thus much colder winters across the Northern Hemisphere.
In addition; the sun has entered a cooler phase (Maunder Minimum) - hence conditions much like the period from the 1940s through the 1970s will alter the warm temperatures experienced
during the past 15 years.
For example; aside from this year's El Niño, the northern areas of the United States and
Europe has experienced periods of much colder winter weather during the prior two winters
(2018 and 2019), and much colder than the winter temperatures observed from 2000
through 2013. Thus the transitioning to a colder climate period must be taken
into account.