NASA Manipulated July 2016 as the Warmest
July 2016 the Hottest Global Temperature on Record - or is this a Flat Out Lie by NASA ?
In a recent article by the Associated Press, chief climate scientist Gavin Schmidt for NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) – says July 2016 NASA burst all-time records by becoming the “hottest month globally”. He states that July was 1.51 degrees Fahrenheit (0.83 Celsius) above the 30 year mean based on the temperature period from 1950 to 1980. What ever happened to the 30 year period 1980 to 2010? Is NASA manipulating climate periods for the sake of political agendas?

The Policy of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), suggests using the latest decade for the 30-year average – so why was the period 1950 to 1980 used instead? The WMO Policy also suggests that for global-scale averages that incorporate global land and ocean, the reference period should be adjusted to the 20th Century average (1900 to 2000) to establish a longer-term average. So again – why was the 30 year period from 1950 to 1980 used?
The graphic for United States Temperatures for the period 1880 to 2015 clearly shows why NASA manipulated the WMO recommended period for temperature comparison. Notice how temperatures normally go up and down on about a 9 year cycle due to influences of the earth-moon-sun gravitational cycles, this was discussed in detail in a 48 minute video posted on the notrickszone in 2015 .
The 9-year temperature bounce is readily detectable from 1880 to 1930, a period in which temperatures remained nearly steady – with little datable global warming. Then a strong 10-year warm period occurred from 1930 to 1940, and again from 2000 to 2015. Between the two warm periods is a much colder period from 1940 to 1980. For NASA to show July’s temperature departure as being the greatest departure on record - they opted to compare July 2016 to this much colder cherry picked period instead of the recommended WMO recent 30 year period. But if NASA had used the 30 year mean (1980 to 2010) as recommended by the WMO– July 2016 would not have been anywhere near a record warm temperature departure.
NASA may argue that the cold period should be used to show how drastic the temperatures are – but are they? The second graphic shows world temperatures during the past 1,200 years, all the way back to 800 AD. There have been 6 global warming cycles during this period and within each global warming cycle - it is common to have about 2 very warm 10 to 15 years separated by about 72. And between the warm periods it is common to have a colder period much like 1950 to 1980. Knowing this – NASA likely cherry picked the comparison period and thus manipulated the recommended WMO comparison period – with this ending up as a politically based lie to the public. The behavior of NASA should not be tolerated – they know about the 72 year and 220 year warming and cooling cycles – politics should stay out of science and the reporting of science.
The warming and cooling cycles occur like clockwork about every 215 to 220 years in conjunction with earth-moon-sun gravitational cycles and periods of low solar activity. The last global warming cycle ended around 1800 – or about 216 years ago. As noted by the yellow circles in the world temperature graphic, a historically strong volcano occurs about 5 to 15 years into the beginning of each global cooling cycle. When a strong eruption occurs in conjunction with the initial stages of a global cooling, the cooling is exacerbated even further with the likelihood of a global year of no summer occurring. This occurred in 1815 (about 15 years into the cooling cycle) when the great volcano Tambora erupted. Tambora spewed Sulphur into the upper atmosphere where it combined with water vapor to form dense clouds of tiny sulfuric acid droplets. These droplets take several years to settle out of the atmosphere and decrease troposphere temperatures by scattering solar radiation back to space, thus lowering the amount of solar radiation received on the surface of the earth. Global Cooling began near the year 1800, Tambora in 1815 and the year of no summer followed in 1816.

Is NASA manipulating temperature comparison periods to further political agendas - and thus ignoring what is really likely to occur? The truth is - Earth likely entered the next global cooling cycle back in 2013 when the Arctic began cooling and the ice began restoring. This process was interrupted in 2015 to mid-2016 due to the strong El Nino pushing warmer air into the Arctic. But now the high Artic is once again cooling just like it did a few years ago – and it is very likely that temperatures from 2019 through 2050 will be much colder than the 1940s through the 1970s. And if we again have a Tambora type volcano similar to what has occurred during the early stages of other cooling cycles – there could be another year of no summer sometime during the 2020s?