Tampa - Ocala Florida
Past Performance
Prediction by GWO's ClimatePulse Technology
Electromagnetic Earthquake Tectonic Pulse Cycle #14
(prediction prepared in 2012)
On January 1, 2019
California enter a ClimatePulse Cycle that will cause increased earthquake
activity - as induced by a very specific Earth-Moon-Sun gravitational cycle
During 2019
Southern California - Will Have
80% risk for a strong to major (6.0 to 7.2)
80% risk it will be - Major to severe 6.5 to 8.0 magnitude
40% risk it will be - severe 7.5 or greater magnitude
Remainder of California - find out with our exlucsive prediction
- Example of an Actual Prediction-
Premium Zone Package
Predictions 2- Years into the Future
This is Just a Snap Shot - There is Much More in the Premium Package
Basic Precition is about 2 Pages -
Standard Prediction is about 10 to 13 pages -
Premium Prediction is about 12 to 15 pages -
Table of Contents for the 2016-17 Issuance provides insight into what you receive
with the Corporate Zone Package with Predictions 2 Years into the Future.
*Note: Items in Yellow are only available with the entire 11 Zone Purchase
Table of Contents
Section Page
1.0 Background and Introduction ----------------------------------------------------- 3
2.0 2014 Hurricane Season Review---------------------------------------------------- 4
3.0 GWO 2016 Predictions of El Niño - La Niña or Neutral--------------------- 6
Overview – El Niño, La Niña and Neutral Conditions------------------------ 6
2010 Through 2015 seasons – Climate Pulse Suppression Cycles----- 6
2016 Prediction: El Niño - La Niña – Neutral Conditions------------------- 7
3.1 Major Hurricane Landfall Risk Predictions (2016-2019)--------------------- 9
4.0 2016-2017 Hurricane Season Predictions -------------------------------------- 10
Overview: Climate Pulse Technology Model by GWO----------------------- 10
4.1 2016 Storm Development Controlling Factors-------------------------------- 11
4.2 2016-2017 Hurricane Predictions Number of Named Storms - 11
Hurricanes – Major Hurricanes - Landfalls------------------------------------- 11 4.3 Hotspot Predictions - 2016----------------------------------------------------------- 11
4.4 Hotspot Predictions – 2017---------------------------------------------------------- 13
4.5 Analog Year – 2016 Hurricane Season------------------------------------------- 14
5.0 Predictions for Specific United States Coastal Zones----------------------- 15
GWO Prediction Model and Climatology----------------------------------------- 15
Risk Prediction Definitions ----------------------------------------------------------- 15
5.1 Zone 1 Metropolitan NYC - Long Island - New England ------------ 16
5.2 Zone 2 New Jersey Coast south to Near Norfolk Virginia ---------- 19
5.3 Zone 3 Norfolk Virginia South to Eastern North Carolina to
Near Wilmington, North Carolina ------------------------------- 22
5.4 Zone 4 Southeast North Carolina and South Carolina – from 24
Near Wilmington NC to South Carolina/Georgia border --- 24
5.5 Zone 5 Georgia Coast South to Daytona Beach, Florida ------------- 26
5.6 Zone 6 East Coast of Florida from Cape Canaveral south to Miami 29
5.7 Zone 7 Extreme South Florida Peninsula and the Keys --------------- 33
5.8 Zone 8 West Coast of Florida from Marco Island North
( Excluding the Florida panhandle ) ------------------------------ 35
5.9 Zone 9 Upper Gulf Coast States – from the Florida Panhandle
West to near Central Louisiana Coast --------------------------- 38
5.10 Zone 10 Western Louisiana Coast to the Central Texas Coast
Near Corpus Christi ---------------------------------------------------- 41
5.11 Zone 11 Lower Texas Coast – from Corpus Christi to
60 Nautical Miles south of Brownsville Texas ------------------- 45
Example: Premium 2-Years into the Future Zone Prediction
Definitions: Prediction Categories ( expressed in Probability for Occurence in Percent - and Liklihood )
Global Weather Oscillations (GWO) assigns a risk category and probability expressed in percent
for the likelihood that a predicted event will occur, or not occur.
Risk percent ranges define three categories of risk: Low - Moderate- High.
Hurricanes - Tropical Storms:
Category Probability Event Liklihood
High Risk 60% to 80% Expected to occur
Moderate Risk 40% to 55% possible – but not likely
Low risk 5% to 35% not expected
Major Hurricane:
*If a hurricane actually occurs – the risk it will be a major hurricane
Category Probability
High Risk 50% to 70% Expected to Occur
Moderate Risk 25% to 45% Possible - but not likely
Low Risk less than 25% Not Expected
Zone 1 Predictons for 2011 and 2012
New York City Metropolitan Area - Long Island, NY
New England Coastline
Based on 111 years of record (1903-2013) for either hurricane conditions occurring somewhere within the zone during that year, or if no hurricane, a year with tropical storm conditions occurring somewhere within the zone.
A total of 31 years had a tropical cyclone occur (hurricane and/or tropical storm) affect some portion of the zone (28% annual risk). Of the 31 tropical cyclones that occurred over the 111 year period, 22 were tropical storms, and only 9 were hurricanes, three of which were major. Climatologically, this is considered to have a low to moderate risk for tropical cyclones. The tropical storm return frequency is relatively low averaging 2 tropical storms per 10 years. Based on the long term average, the climatological average annual risk frequency (CAAR) is quite low with just under an average of 1 hurricane per 10 years. However, the frequencies are cyclical with some active 4 to 8 year periods, and some very inactive 8 year periods resulting in very low risks for hurricanes and tropical storms. Global Weather Oscillations (GWO) “Climate Pulse Technology” Model (GWO-CPTM) identifies these cycles and incorporates them into the predicted risks.
Climatology - Average Annual Risk:
A total of 31 tropical cyclones occurred during the 111 year period.
Climatological average annual risk (CAAR) for Hurricane and/or Tropical Storm Conditions = 28 %
Climatological average annual risk (CAAR) for Tropical Storm "only" conditions = 20 %
Climatological average Annual risk (CAAR) for hurricane conditions = 8 %
Climatological average annual risk (CAAR) for major hurricane (CAT 3 or greater) = 3 %
Percent of hurricanes that were major hurricanes (CAT 3 or greater) = 33 %
The GWO-CPT predicted risk is compared to the CAAR (climatological average annual risk) to the right of the prediction in the prediction table below. This provides a reference point for the user to quickly compare the prediction risk for that specific year to the long-term average annual risk. The color red is assigned when there is a high risk that the predicted event will occur. The high risk category ranges from 60% to 80% and indicates GWO expects the event is likely to occur.
Definitions: Risk Prediction Categories
Global Weather Oscillations (GWO) assigns a risk category and probability expressed in percent for the likelihood that a predicted event will occur, or not occur.
Risk percent ranges define three categories of risk; Low, Moderate and High.
Hurricanes - Tropical Storms:
Category Probability Prospect
High Risk 60% to 80% likely to occur
Moderate Risk 40% to 55% possible – but not likely
Low risk 5% to 35% not expected
Major Hurricane: If a hurricane actually occurs – risk it will be a major hurricane
Category Probability
High Risk 50% to 70% (if a hurricane occurs)
Moderate Risk 25% to 45% (if a hurricane occurs)
Low Risk less than 25% (if a hurricane occurs)
Prediction: Predictions: Years 2011 - 2012
Zone 1
New York City Metropolitan Area - Long Island, NY
New England Coastline
Predicted Event Expected Average Annual
Risk Risk
2011 Hurricane conditions 60 % High expected to occur 8 %
Major Hurricane - if a hurricane occurs 45 % High not expected 3 %
Tropical Storm conditions 70 % High expected to occur 28 %
2012 Hurricane conditions 60 % High Risk Likely 8 %
Major Hurricane - if a hurricane occurs 50 % Moderate possible 3 %
Tropical Storm conditions 75 % High Risk Expected 28 %
*Note: Hurricanes listed below made landfall in 2011 and 2012
2011- Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene hugged the New Jersey Shoreline in 2011 then made
landfall extreme western Long Island
2012 - Super Storm Sandy made landfall in Central New Jersey
Prediction - Analysis and Summary
Northeast States entering the strongest hurricane cycle for this region in 50 years”.
Analysis of the GWO *Climate Pulse Technology Hurricane Model predicts indicates there is a 70% risk for a hurricane hitting the New Jersey, Long Island and/or southern New England in 2011 or 2012.
GWO's Climate Pulse Hurricane Model shows historical 4-year periods in which this zone usually experiences one direct
hurricane landfall, 1 or 2 hurricanes which skirt Cape Cod, and 1 or 2 tropical storms. Historical records indicate that during
these cycles, a hurricane which passes near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina and Cape Cod, Massachusetts, is followed by
a land-falling hurricane within 1 or 2 years of this event. In 2010 hurricane Earl traveled just offshore from the North Carolina
coast and moved north-northeast just to the southeast of Cape Cod. This event is likely the precursor for a land-falling
hurricane or strong tropical storm in 2011.
Analysis of the GWO model predicts at least one year with a hurricane. Expect a Category 1 or 2 storm - though a risk does
exist for a major hurricane tracking rapidly north to northeast just offshore of the North Carolina coast and reaching New Jersey,
Long Island and southern New England coastal areas as a Category 2. The last Category 3 hurricane to strike this zone was in
1954. There remains some controversy as to whether Hurricane Gloria in 1985 struck Long Island as a Category 2 or 3.
Since then, the population in the coastal areas has increased dramatically along with tremendous amount of new construction
over the last half century. A major hurricane affecting this zone presents a high risk for significant property damage.
The GWO Climate Pulse Hurricane Model indicates that this zone will enter a very active cycle centered on 2011 and 2012,
the strongest and most active cycle for this region in 50 years. It is likely to produce the first hurricane to strike the Northeast
Coastal areas in 20 years. Hurricanes which hit New England and Long Island and the New Jersey area occurred on these
cycles in 1903, 1944, and Hurricane Bob in 1991.
Climate Pulse Analog years similar to 2011 and 2012:
When looking at GWO-CPTM Model analog years, the predominate analog years most similar to 2011 and 2012 are years 1991,
1944, and 1903.
In 1903 a Category 1 hurricane made landfall near Cape May New Jersey in mid-September, with tropical force winds near the New York City area.
In 1944 - A Category 3 Hurricane moved northeast across Cape Hatteras NC in mid-September, skirting the New Jersey coast and finally making landfall as a Category 2 in eastern Long Island and Rhode Island.
In 1991 - Hurricane Bob moved Northeast across Cape Hatteras NC as a Category 3 in Mid-August, and then across Eastern Long Island into Rhode Island as a Category 2 in mid to late August.