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Sea Level Rise: Next 100 Years - No Rise Predicted


Most sea level predictions widely distributed by government agencies and universities paint an alarming picture for coastal areas during the next 80 years. If sea levels actually rise as predicted by the United Nations Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the USGCRP National Climate Assessment, or Robert DeConto Department of Geosciences University of Massachusetts, - coastal areas of the United States and especially low lying areas and Ports could be catastrophically susceptible to the projected rises during the next 80 years.

In 2014 the USGCRP National Climate Assessment projected that by the year 2100, the average sea level rise during the next 85 years will be between one and four feet (300mm-1200mm) since the date of the 2014 assessment. They go on to say that current rates of sea level rise have roughly doubled since the pre 1992 rates of sea level rise during the 20th century.

In a recent article in the Journal Nature, Robert M. Deconto et al. used a newly improved numerical ice-sheet model calibrated to Pliocene and Last Interglacial sea-level estimates to develop projections of Antarctica's evolution over time. They found that Polar temperatures over the last several million years have, at times, been slightly warmer than today, and global mean sea level has been 6–9 meters higher during the prior epic of the last interglacial period that occurred 130,000 to 115,000 years ago. They also state that if carbon dioxide emissions continue unabated, Antarctica has the potential to contribute more than a meter (3.4 feet) of sea-level rise by 2100 - and more than 15 meters (51 feet) by 2500.

If the above statements hold true - there would be catastrophic consequences for many coastal regions worldwide. But, is this really going to occur?

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